
Dr. Heike Link
"Relation von benthischer Biodiversität und Ökosystemfunktionen mariner Gebiete mit limitierenden Umweltbedingungen"

laufende Promotionen

Werna Werna
„The role of oxygen in shaping the changing shallow coast of the Baltic Sea”

Aminah Kaharuddin
„Mapping Benthic Habitats with Remote Sensing Reflectance”

Hui Kong
„Effects of hypoxia and temperature stress on the reproductive performance of the blue mussels Mytilus edulis

Annemarie Klemmstein
„Effects of temperature and a pharmaceutical gemfibrozil on bioenergetics of marine mussels Mytilus edulis”

Pham Duy Nghia
„Biomarker-based assessment of the interactive effects of temperature and salinity on toxicity of estuarine sediments to marine macrozoobenthos”

Linda Adzigbli
“Phosphorus as a metabolic regulator during environmental stress in animals”.

Torben Bruhns
„The role of host-microbiome interactions in physiological performance of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in extreme habitats”

Jennifer Barbara Maria Steffen
„The mitochondrial basis of hypoxia tolerance in marine mollusks“.

Natascha Ouillon
"The role of bioenergetics in physiological responses to marine bioturbators to coastal hypoxia”.

Leo Gottschalck
"Energy-related effects of multiple eutrophication-driven stressors on key bioturbators of the coastal Baltic Sea".

abgeschlossene Promotionen

Fangli Wu (2023)
„The interactive effects of temperature, salinity and nanopollutants on immunity and bioenergetics of marine bivalves”.

Fouzia Haider (Ph.D., 2016-2019, magna cum laude)
“Bioenergetics-mediated effects of multiple stressors on a dominant bivalve in the shallow coastal waters of the Baltic Sea”.

Hanna Schade (2016-2019, magna cum laude)
"Respiration of sandy Baltic Sea sediments"

Christopher Gebhardt (2019)
"The role of bioturbation in microplastic burial in marine sediments"

Franziska Bitschofsky (2016)
"Phosphatdynamik an der Sediment-Wasser-Grenzschicht in der Darß-Zingster-Boddenkette"

Claudia Morys (2016) 
"Particle dynamics in sediments of the western Baltic Sea"

Anne Schuster (2016)
"Thorium-234 basierte Residenzzeitberechnung des bodennahen partikulären Materials in der Mecklenburger Bucht"

Judith Renz (2016)
"Bioturbation of Marenzelleria spp. in Baltic Sea sediments"

Kerstin Rieder (2011)
"Wechselbeziehungen zwischen der benthischen Primärproduktion und den Nematodengemeinschaften eulitoraler Sandsedimente der südlichen deutschen Ostseeküste"

Martin Feike (2005)
"Die Bedeutung des Strandanwurfs für das Ökosystem Sandstrand (DBU)"

Florian Peine (2005)
"Influence of subtidal macrofauna organisms generating biogenic structures on the near-bottom particle transport in the southwester Baltic Sea" (gefördert durch BMBF und BWB im Umfeld des Projektes DYNAS)

Michael Friedrichs (2003)
"Flow-induced effects of macrozoobenthic structures on the near-bed sediment transport",  (DYNAS)

Kai Ziervogel (2003)
"Aggregation and transport behaviour of sediment surface particles in Mecklenburg Bight, south-western Baltic Sea, affected by biogenic stickiness", (DYNAS)