DFG Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST
B4: Factors controlling transport and matter cycling at the sediment-water-interface
supervised by Forster, Brede, Voss
We will document the distribution of sediment, peat and glacial clay at the sea floor along with those characteristics relevant for biogenic and hydrodynamic matter exchange. Quantification of oxygen uptake (metabolism) and tracer exchange (fluid transport) will follow. We expect seasonally opposing trends in biological and physical transport effects with a sever fold increase in metabolic activity in summer.
B5: Bioenergetics-mediated effects of physical disturbance and salinity stress on benthic macroinvertebrates in shallow coastal waters of the Baltic Sea
supervised by Sokolova, Forster, Schulz-Vogt
To assess the interactive effects of physical disturbance and salinity stress on activity and bioenergetics of the key bioturbator species, the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria and the lugworm Arenicola marina, and develop a predictive bioenergetically-based model to assess the long-term energy costs and population-level consequences of coping with multiple stressors in shallow water Baltic ecosystems.