Education Portal
The Department of Marine Biology is committed to excellence in undergraduate and graduate education in marine sciences. The Bachelor level courses focus on the fundamentals of marine biology and ecological relations as well as evaluation of the environmental status of marine habitats. Masters’ degree in ‘Marine biology’ focuses on ecology of marine animals, plants and microorganisms, their adaptations to the environment and their roles in the functioning of marine ecosystems. At the Ph.D. level we are engaged in interdisciplinary research and education in marine sciences through the Interdisciplinary Faculty in the Marine Systems Department as well as in the Graduate Academy of the University of Rostock. Many undergraduate and graduate courses are team-taught by the scientists from the Departments of Marine Biology, Ecology, and Applied Ecology & Phycology of the University of Rostock, as well as the researchers from the Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW).
Education in Marine Biology is tightly integrated with the research, and Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D. students have many opportunities to become involved in the laboratory and field research in the framework of the E3 research foci (Ecophysiology, Ecotoxicology, Ecosystem Engineering)
Our Department also places a strong value on public outreach and education through educational programs geared towards school teachers, as well as public presentations and workshops.